Vzrůstající metropole
Altri titoli: Growing Metropolis
Genere: Documentary film
Anno: 1928
Durata: 4:24 min:sec
Descrizione: Film shots documenting the ceremony held at the occasion of starting the construction of the new building of the State-Owned Railway Headquarters in Hradec Králové on 8th October 1928, attended by special guests. Following the arrival of Minister Najman by train and the arrival of other delegates by cars, the ceremony is opened by speeches. Crowds of people are watching the ceremony "kick off" made by Minister Najman and the Mayor of the City, Ulrich.
Parole chiave: dokument / projevy / výkop slavnostní / nádraží / dělníci na stavbě / vlak / automobily / kapela / speeches / railway station / ceremony kick off / train / cars / workers at building site / band
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Diritti: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Casa di produzione: Praga Film
Colori: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Tipo documento:
Collezione: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs